The new ESW ultrasonic welder, designed and produced in France

  • kookline
  • 19 October 2019

Sonimat, subsidiary of Europe Technologies, will present for the first time in France, at the FIP show, its new ESW SERVO ultrasonic welder, a 4.0 plastic welding machine.

Creator of welding solutions in thermoplastics, specializing in the manufacture of technical tools and assembly machines for players in the plastics industry, Sonimat has been making fully digital machines for over twelve years. “It is in this continuity that we have developed the ESW SERVO welding machines, which consumes very little energy. No need for a pneumatic network for it to work, informs Jean-François Lerges, director of the Sonimat site in Valserhone, the machine is 100% electric and integrated, it can be placed on a workbench. ”

The new technology of its motors guarantees optimal repeatability and process precision, in particular thanks to the digital management of its axes of movement. “Designed for factories of the future 4.0, the ESW press allows data to be processed in real time. It is also capable of communicating with external machines such as a robot, an industrial line or a maintenance service. ”

It has been marketable since the end of 2019. It will be presented for the first time in France at the FIP fair. “The version presented is compact, the electrical cabinet is integrated. This bi-manual press is also transferable to other technologies such as circular friction (RSW range) or laser (LSW range) or hot insertion (HPW range). ”

Aimed at all plastics manufacturers, be it the automotive, medical or consumer goods sector, it remains very intuitive and the man-machine interface has been designed to facilitate its use.